Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - The Root of all Productive Unproductivity

I have recently acquired a new online addiction - It is my favvvvooorrriiitteeeee!!!

Pinterest is like a social networking site but instead of showing you other people's profiles, you get to see their "style" so to speak. It consists of all these "pins" which are things that people have found that they like or have done or want to try and then they "pin" them to a "board" on Pinterest. There are tons of different categories from Food, Jokes, Fitness, Fashion, and even Wedding/Party Planning ideas. You can scroll through other people's pins and when you find something you like you can "re-pin" it to one of your boards. For example, I have a food board, a fitness board, a fashion board, and a board where I put things that I like. Say you find a recipe that you can't wait to try? Re-pin it onto one of your boards and months from now when you have time & remember it, you can go to pinterest, find it on your board, and click on the picture and it will take you to the site where it was originally found. Its AWESOME!

I use this site mostly for procrastination but there are some really cool things on there. I love to cook so I am constantly re-pinning food. I also love the Fitness pinner because it has tons of great workouts, nutrition facts, recipes, and motivational stuff. Pinterest makes me unproductive, however I feel like I am being productive because I actually use a lot of the stuff that I pin. It's Awesome!

The best part: you have to be invited to register, therefore it isn't full of the clutter of other social networking sites and it only shows you the things that you are interested in. If you want an invite: hit me up!

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